Monday, August 22, 2005

Dr. Strangelove

The incredible thing of our time is the possibility to watch any of your preferred movies on your PC, at your leasure, from a DVD or any suitable compressed digitalized files! I have about 30 a these magical disks covering classical cinema of my preference.

On a Linux box, you may need a special "libdvdcss" library, usually not installed by default, to decode what you normaly and honestly paid for watching your movies.

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My Linux box Shinkaze, a pure Microsoft-free PC (see my initial post on this blog)

My interest in computer history, watches, and navigational devices maybe gave me a specific reason to be specialy interested in the unforgetable Stanley Kubrick's Chef d'Oeuvre Dr. Strangelove or : How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb, and the astonishing Peter Sellers in his triple roles of the President Muffley, President of the United States of America, the smart British officer Group Captain Mandrake, and the mysterious nuclear expert Dr. Strangelove.

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President Muffley trying to explain to the Soviet Premier "Dimitri" how a certain General Ripper "became a little funny in his head" and decided to launch a sneak nuclear attack on USSR!

In 1964, everything is already on the scene : as the concept of interconnected computers (the "Doom machine"...), the economy race in which USSR has some trouble to follow. The dialogs are a pure piece of art and perfection all along the film.

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The enigmatic nuclear expert Dr. Strangelove explaining the principle a the "Doom machine"

Should we really stop worrying, even now?